
GoReleaser 是用 Go 编写项目的自动发布工具,支持交叉编译,并且支持发布到 Github,Gitlab 和 Gitea。


go install github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser@latest



生成配置文件 .goreleaser.yaml,一般这个文件放在项目的根目录下:

goreleaser init

下面的命令可以发布一个 “仅限本地” 的 release,一般用来测试 release 命令是否可以正常运行。

goreleaser release --snapshot --rm-dist

修改 .goreleaser.yaml 配置后,可以用 check 命令检查配置:

goreleaser check

--single-target 只为特定的 GOOS/GOARCH 构建二进制文件,这对本地开发很有用:

goreleaser build --single-target

发布一个 release

如果要发布到 Github,需要导出一个环境变量 GITHUB_TOKEN,它应该包含一个有效的 GitHub token 与 repo 范围。它将被用来部署发布到你的 GitHub 仓库。创建一个新的 GitHub 令牌

write:packages 权限是 GITHUB_TOKEN 需要的最小权限。

GoReleaser 会使用 repo 的最新 Git 标签

首先需要创建一个 tag 并 push 到 Github:

git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "First release"
git push origin v0.1.0

注意 tag 必须是一个有效的 semantic version

然后运行:goreleaser release

如果暂时不想创建 tag,可以运行 goreleaser release --snapshot,这个命令会不会发布到 Github。

Dry run


Build-only Mode


goreleaser build

Release Flags

--skip-publish 参数可以跳过发布:

goreleaser release --skip-publish

build 配置

# .goreleaser.yaml
  # You can have multiple builds defined as a yaml list
    # ID of the build.
    # Defaults to the binary name.
    id: "my-build"

    # Path to main.go file or main package.
    # Notice: when used with `gomod.proxy`, this must be a package.
    # Default is `.`.
    main: ./cmd/my-app

    # Binary name.
    # Can be a path (e.g. `bin/app`) to wrap the binary in a directory.
    # Default is the name of the project directory.
    binary: program

    # Custom flags templates.
    # Default is empty.
      - -tags=dev
      - -v

    # Custom asmflags templates.
    # Default is empty.
      - -D mysymbol
      - all=-trimpath={{.Env.GOPATH}}

    # Custom gcflags templates.
    # Default is empty.
      - all=-trimpath={{.Env.GOPATH}}
      - ./dontoptimizeme=-N

    # Custom ldflags templates.
    # Default is `-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X main.commit={{.Commit}} -X main.date={{.Date}} -X main.builtBy=goreleaser`.
      - -s -w -X main.build={{.Version}}
      - ./usemsan=-msan

    # Custom build tags templates.
    # Default is empty.
      - osusergo
      - netgo
      - static_build
      - feature

    # Custom environment variables to be set during the builds.
    # Default: `os.Environ()` merged with what you set the root `env` section.
      - CGO_ENABLED=0

    # GOOS list to build for.
    # For more info refer to: https://golang.org/doc/install/source#environment
    # Defaults are darwin and linux.
      - freebsd
      - windows

    # GOARCH to build for.
    # For more info refer to: https://golang.org/doc/install/source#environment
    # Defaults are 386, amd64 and arm64.
      - amd64
      - arm
      - arm64

    # GOARM to build for when GOARCH is arm.
    # For more info refer to: https://golang.org/doc/install/source#environment
    # Default is only 6.
      - 6
      - 7

    # GOAMD64 to build when GOARCH is amd64.
    # For more info refer to: https://golang.org/doc/install/source#environment
    # Default is only v1.
      - v2
      - v3

    # GOMIPS and GOMIPS64 to build when GOARCH is mips, mips64, mipsle or mips64le.
    # For more info refer to: https://golang.org/doc/install/source#environment
    # Default is only hardfloat.
      - hardfloat
      - softfloat

    # List of combinations of GOOS + GOARCH + GOARM to ignore.
    # Default is empty.
      - goos: darwin
        goarch: 386
      - goos: linux
        goarch: arm
        goarm: 7
      - goarm: mips64
      - gomips: hardfloat
      - goamd64: v4

    # Optionally override the matrix generation and specify only the final list
    # of targets.
    # Format is `{goos}_{goarch}` with their respective suffixes when
    # applicable: `_{goarm}`, `_{goamd64}`, `_{gomips}`.
    # Special values:
    # - go_118_first_class: evaluates to the first-class targets of go1.18.
    #   Since GoReleaser v1.9.
    # - go_first_class: evaluates to latest stable go first-class targets,
    #   currently same as 1.18. Since GoReleaser v1.9.
    # This overrides `goos`, `goarch`, `goarm`, `gomips`, `goamd64` and
    # `ignores`.
      - go_first_class
      - go_118_first_class
      - linux_amd64_v1
      - darwin_arm64
      - linux_arm_6

    # Set a specific go binary to use when building.
    # It is safe to ignore this option in most cases.
    # Default is "go"
    gobinary: "go1.13.4"

    # Sets the command to run to build.
    # Can be useful if you want to build tests, for example,
    # in which case you can set this to "test".
    # It is safe to ignore this option in most cases.
    # Default: build.
    # Since: v1.9.
    command: test

    # Set the modified timestamp on the output binary, typically
    # you would do this to ensure a build was reproducible. Pass
    # empty string to skip modifying the output.
    # Default is empty string.
    mod_timestamp: '{{ .CommitTimestamp }}'

    # Hooks can be used to customize the final binary,
    # for example, to run generators.
    # Those fields allow templates.
    # Default is both hooks empty.
      pre: rice embed-go
      post: ./script.sh {{ .Path }}

    # If true, skip the build.
    # Useful for library projects.
    # Default is false
    skip: false

    # By default, GoReleaser will create your binaries inside
    # `dist/${BuildID}_${BuildTarget}`, which is an unique directory per build
    # target in the matrix.
    # You can set subdirs within that folder using the `binary` property.
    # However, if for some reason you don't want that unique directory to be
    # created, you can set this property.
    # If you do, you are responsible for keeping different builds from
    # overriding each other.
    # Defaults to `false`.
    no_unique_dist_dir: true

    # By default, GoReleaser will check if the main filepath has a main
    # function.
    # This can be used to skip that check, in case you're building tests, for
    # example.
    # Default: false.
    # Since: v1.9.
    no_main_check: true

    # Path to project's (sub)directory containing Go code.
    # This is the working directory for the Go build command(s).
    # If dir does not contain a `go.mod` file, and you are using `gomod.proxy`,
    # produced binaries will be invalid.
    # You would likely want to use `main` instead of this.
    # Default is `.`.
    dir: go

    # Builder allows you to use a different build implementation.
    # This is a GoReleaser Pro feature.
    # Valid options are: `go` and `prebuilt`.
    # Defaults to `go`.
    builder: prebuilt

    # Overrides allows to override some fields for specific targets.
    # This can be specially useful when using CGO.
    # Note: it'll only match if the full target matches.
    # Default: empty.
    # Since: v1.5.
      - goos: darwin
        goarch: arm64
        goamd64: v1
        goarm: ''
        gomips: ''
          - foo
          - bar
          - foobar
          - foobaz
          - CGO_ENABLED=1

设置自定义 tag

可以使用环境变量强制 build tag 和 previous tag。这在一个 git 提交被多个 git tag 引用的情况下很有用。

goreleaser release

changelog 配置

  sort: asc
  use: github
      - '^test:'
      - '^chore'
      - 'merge conflict'
      - Merge pull request
      - Merge remote-tracking branch
      - Merge branch
      - go mod tidy
    - title: 'Dependency Updates'
      regexp: "^.*(feat|fix)\\(deps\\)*:+.*$"
      order: 300
    - title: 'New Features'
      regexp: "^.*feat[(\\w)]*:+.*$"
      order: 100
    - title: 'Bug Fixes'
      regexp: "^.*fix[(\\w)]*:+.*$"
      order: 200
    - title: 'Documentation Updates'
      regexp: "^.*docs[(\\w)]*:+.*$"
      order: 400
    - title: Other work
      order: 9999
  • exclude 下匹配到的文本不会被添加到 CHANGELOG 中。
  • groups 根据 Commit Message 的 type 分组。

生成的 CHANGELOG 如下图:

